Foods to avoid with Trulicity

If you have type 2 diabetes, then you must have heard about Trulicity. We are going to explore the foods to avoid with Trulicity. There are a number of medications on the market to treat type 2 diabetes and Trulicity is one of the medications which is increasingly popular among physicians. Trulicity was approved in 2014 by the FDA for treating type 2 diabetes. Trulicity is one of the newer medications used to treat diabetes. It is a medication that is available in injectable form.

Starting a new medication can be a cause of worry if you do not have appropriate information about that medication and you do not use it properly. While taking any medication you want to ensure that the medication has its maximum effect and may wonder how your diet may affect its responses. You may have the question in your mind “Which foods do you avoid while taking Trulicy.? We are here to answer the questions you have in your mind.

The good thing about this medication is that it is quite tolerant and it will be effective in spite of what you eat before or after taking this medication. However, following a nutritious or offset diet while shortening certain foods is commonly recommended to reduce the side effects and improve the results of any medication.

We will provide insights into foods best approached carefully while taking Trulicity and recommend healthier alternatives to promote the management of diabetes. If you want to read about foods to avoid with Trulicity, keep reading this article for more information.

5. Foods to Avoid with Trulicity

 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

Currently, there are no foods to be known as interacting with Trulicity. However, gastrointestinal symptoms may produced by some types of foods similar to some of this medication’s side effects such as abdominal or nausea discomfort. Some foods may increase your blood sugar, which may prevent the effects of trulicity on the management of glycemic.

Foods to avoid with Trulicity are as follows:

1. Added Sugar

Added sugars are sugars that are used to add to foods when prepared. Sugars that are present naturally in vegetables and fruits are not called added sugar. It is not needed for your body to get any carbohydrates from added sugar, that’s why the healthy eating pyramid states that the use of sugary sweets and drinks should be kept to a minimum and that healthy eating should not include foods with added sugar.

There are many foods and drinks with added sugar such as dextrose, brown sugar, corn trump, cane juice, fructose, glucose, fruit nectars, honey, high fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, lactose, maltose, sucrose, raw sugar and maple trump.

Eating too much of this type of sugar puts non-nutritive calories into your diet and can cause your blood sugar to fasten. They end up in your diet in processed foods like peanut butter, crackers, and even tomato sauce.

If you want to check if there is added sugar in a food product you are considering eating, you can check the nutrition facts label on the package of the food. You also need to read the entire list of ingredients. Keep in mind that the food is listed downward of weight. So if the list of ingredients says oil, sugar and peanuts on the label, you know that there are mostly sugar and peanuts in the product.

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2. Refined grains

Refined grains have undergone a process that removes the germ, and husk of the grain and leaves the endosperm. grains are any food prepared with wheat, oats, barley, cornmeal, rice or other grains. This includes oatmeal, bread, tortillas, pasta, popcorn, breakfast cereals, rice and grits. Refined grains are grind which improves shelf life and gives a finer texture. However, it also reduces the health benefits such as vitamin B, dietary fiber and iron. Because the outer parts of the grain are used for non-food use and animal feed, refined grains are reported as less sustainable compared with whole grains.

Examples of refined grains are as follows:

  • Corn grits
  • White rice
  • White flour
  • White bread
foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

You should consult your dietitian or doctor about how many grains you should add to your every meal. Being consistent with a healthy diet with refined grains will help your blood sugar remain in control the whole day.

Keep reading this article to know about the foods to avoid with Trulicity.

3. Saturated and trans fats

It is recommended by the makers of Trulicity that fat or fatty foods should be avoided in case you experience nausea. Undoubtedly, research suggests that fatty acids may be the cause of bloating, nausea, upper stomach pain, or indigestion. Bloating, stomach pain, and nausea are the common side effects that you can experience while taking Trulicity, so the gastrointestinal discomfort you experience while taking Trulicity may become worse if you eat fatty foods.

However, all fats are not bad. Saturated and trans fats are the ones you should avoid because they can cause increased cardiovascular and high cholesterol.

The foods that typically contain saturated and trans fats are as follows:

  • Coconut oils, margarine, shortening and palm oils
  • Fried or battered foods
  • Whole-fat dairy products such as ice cream, butter, and whole milk.
  • Processes of baked goods such as doughnuts, cookies, pies and cakes
  • Fatty and processed red meats such as steak, burgers, sausage, and bacon.

Health specialists recommend that people who have type 2 diabetes replace saturated and trans fats with healthier fats, such as the omega-3 fatty acids in monounsaturated fats in nuts and fatty fish.

4. Fried and greasy foods

There are saturated and trans fats in fried foods, which can make nausea, upset stomach, and other gastrointestinal side effects of triplicity more severe. Furthermore, the risk of having type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease may be increased because of eating fried foods. Eating a lot of fried foods can be even less healthy because restaurants and food stalls are more likely to include more sodium in their foods, reuse the frying oil, and serve larger sizes.

Instead of eating fried foods from restaurants and food stalls, the best option for cooking healthier food is your home. You can cook the food using plant-based oils like olive oil roasting or boiling water. This food will be healthier for your health.

Keep reading this article to know about the foods to avoid with Trulicity.

5. Sugary drinks

 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

Although the intake of sugary drinks in the U.S. has decreased in the past years, half of the people still use excessive amounts of sugary drinks such as sweet tea, fruit juice drinks, and soda. There is a high sugar content in these drinks, which makes it difficult to manage blood sugar levels and can cause various health problems such as increased cancer risk, poor concentration, and cavities. Water is the best substitute for it but if you are craving sweetness, you can use flavoured water or flavor enhancers.

Foods to eat while taking Trulicity

While using Trulicity, it is crucial to eat a balanced diet to keep your blood sugar in control and decrease the risk of complications in your health.

You can get help from a registered dietitian from Nourish who can determine a healthy eating plan for your needs.

1. Whole grains

Whole grains are a great source of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. They provide a slower discharge of sugar into the blood vessels. This quality of whole grains makes them a great food to eat while using Trulicity.

Examples of whole grains are oatmeal, brown rice, millet, quinoa, whole-grain bread, and wheat berries. These foods are not generally processed or have minimal processing and have essential nutrients. This is not like refined grains, which typically renounce most nutrients.

2. Protein-rich foods

 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

It is important to eat foods high in protein while using Trulicity. Proteins are helpful in managing blood sugar and support feelings of fullness. Eating protein with Trulicity helps improve the effects of trulicity on decreasing appetite and lowering blood sugar.

Protein is an essential nutrient for people who have type 2 diabetes as it does not increase sugar levels basically carbohydrates do. Eating protein can be effective in slowing down the absorption of glucose into the blood vessels and stopping blood sugar spikes after having meals.

People who eat foods rich in protein may also feel more glutted, which can lead to reduced appetite. This can be especially helpful for you if you are trying to maintain an ideal weight.

Examples of protein-rich foods are as follows:

  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Tofu
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • lean beef
  • chicken
  • salmon
  • Egg
  • Pasta
  • Peanut Butter
  • Low-fat cottage cheese

Choose a collection of protein sources all over the week to please your nutrient needs. Save recipes of your favorite dishes that are rich in protein so you can make them again when you need to have protein.

3. Fruits and vegetables

 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

Fruits and vegetables are the best choices while you are using trulicity. They are high in fiber, and nutrient-dense, which can lead to slower glucose digestion and can help manage blood sugar levels.

Non-starchy vegetables lack carbohydrates but they are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are helpful in supporting optimal functioning and overall health. Fill the help portion of your plate with non-starchy vegetables such as salad, broccoli, and green beans to know an ideal serving size for non-starchy vegetables.

It is needed for some people who have type 2 diabetes to restrict their fruit serving size. Generally, a serving of fruit should be about the size of your fist. Fruits are also the best sources of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, but it is not good to eat too many fruits because it can cause an increase in blood sugar.

What is Trulicity?

Trulicity is the brand name for dulaglutide, which is manufactured by Lilly. This drug is in a class of medications that is called glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists. GLP-1 is a hormone that is helpful in managing blood glucose levels by increasing the production of insulin and reducing glucagon secretion. Like Olympic, Trulicity is used to enhance blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes.

This medication is intended for the following uses in people with type 2 diabetes:

1. To lower blood sugar levels

To decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke and to decrease the risk of death due to cardiovascular conditions.

Trulicity is not used to treat type 1 diabetes and it is not also a weight-loss or insulin drug. It is injected under the skin once a week in the upper arm, thigh, or abdomen and it is recommended to use along with exercise and diet. It should not be injected in the areas where the skin is red, tender, bruised, hard, thickened, and has stretch marks or scars, It is not right to use the same injection site twice in a row, so you should avoid doing so.

If you miss a dose of this injection, you should take it as soon as you remember. In case it is almost time for your next dose, you should skip the missed dose and take it at the regular injection time.

How does Trulicity Work?

 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

Trulicity is a medication approved by the FDA to treat people with type 2 diabetes. It is effective in regulating blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. It is also effective in improving the metabolic health of people who suffer from obesity or are overweight. Like other GLP-1 drugs, it also works by imitating the natural incretin hormones produced by your body.

This medication has the active drug dulaglutide which is a glucogon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) agonist. This medication works by connecting to GLP-1 receptors on certain cells in your mixed gland. It tells the specific mixed gland cells to release insulin when there is sugar in your blood vessels. The released insulin helps reduce your blood sugar levels by delivering the sugar into your cells.

This medication also lowers blood sugar levels by making your stomach process and paas the food more slowly than normal. The quantity of sugar released from the food into your blood vessels is reduced by this medication.

Furthermore, this medication blocks a hormone known as glucagon. Glucagon makes the liver decompose the stored sugar and release it into your blood vessels. By blocking the action of glucagon, this medication helps to further decrease your blood sugar levels. And by lowering your blood sugar levels, Trulicity also helps decrease the risk of having cardiovascular problems.

Side Effects of Trulicity

There are a lot of benefits of taking Trulicity but as with other drugs, it may also have some potential side effects. If you are considering to useTrulicity, you need to know all about it. It is important to know the side effects to avoid them and use it carefully.

It can cause certain side effects, some of them are more common than others and these may be temporary. They will not last for longer and go away over time. But if these side effects do not go away within a few days and last then you need to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider right away. It is important to seek medical help because these side effects may become severe over time, so it is not safe for you to avoid them.

Here are just a few of the most common side effects of Trulicity reported by the users of this medication.

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting

The side effects of Trulicity are dose-dependent. It means you are more likely to have these side effects with higher doses than recommended. To see the full list of side effects, you can check the prescribing information for Trulicity or you can contact your healthcare provider for more information.

Mild side effects of Trulicity

Mild side effects of Trulicity are as follows:

  • Acid reflux
  • Constipation
  • Belching
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Reactions at the injection site
 foods to avoid with Trulicity.
foods to avoid with Trulicity.

These side effects are not permanent and go away over time. But if they last for longer, you should talk to your healthcare provider and doctor.

Serious side effects

Trulicity may have some serious side effects. All side serious side effects may not listed here, so if you experience some different or abnormal effects after taking this medication, you should talk to your healthcare provider.

Serious side effects of Trulicity are as follows:

  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Slurred speech
  • Hunger
  • Weakness
  • Feeling jittery
  • Slurred speech
  • Feeling confused, irritable or anxious

Pancreatitis: Symptoms can include

  • Appetite loss
  • Fever
  • Fast heart rate
  • Nausea and vomiting

New or worsening kidney damage: Symptoms may include

  • Dark urine
  • Swelling in your feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Urinating less frequently than usual


There are a number of medications on the market to treat type 2 diabetes and Trulicity is one of the medications which is increasingly popular among physicians. Trulicity was approved in 2014 by the FDA for treating type 2 diabetes.

While using any medication it is important to know about the foods to avoid with that medication. We have provided you with the food to avoid with Trulicity. Although, Currently, there are no foods to be known as interacting with Trulicity. However, gastrointestinal symptoms may produced by some types of foods similar to some of this medication’s side effects such as abdominal or nausea discomfort. Some foods may increase your blood sugar, which may prevent the effects of trulicity on the management of glycemic.


How does Trulicity work?

Trulicity works by connecting to GLP-1 receptors on certain cells in your mixed gland. It tells the specific mixed gland cells to release insulin when there is sugar in your blood vessels. The released insulin helps reduce your blood sugar levels by delivering the sugar into your cells. This medication also lowers blood sugar levels by making your stomach process and paas the food more slowly than normal.

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