Learn How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally

In this article, we’ll learn how to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally. The suprarenal or adrenal glands produce many essential hormones that are essential for many aspects of body functioning. Adrenal inadequacy is a medical term, used when the adrenal glands produce insufficient amounts of one or more of these essential hormones. Adrenal inadequacy may be the result of an underlying health problem or surgery.

However, it is now recognized by many medical practitioners that chronic stress can also put pressure on the adrenal glands resulting in a degree of adrenal insufficiency known as “adrenal fatigue”. Keep reading this article to learn how to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally.

What is adrenal fatigue?

Briefly, it is a disequilibrium of cortisol. Cortisol is your stress hormone, meant to follow a natural rhythm. This hormone rises in the morning to help wake you up and then slowly falls during the day. Your stress hormone cortisol and sleep hormone melatonin are inversely related.

When cortisol increases, melatonin decreases, and vice versa, And that’s how it supports healthy sleep-wake cycles. But if you’re dealing with too much stress for a long period, your adrenal glands may not be able to produce the stress hormone cortisol. Your cortisol rhythm may be irregular. It may become too high or too low at the wrong time.

This can interrupt your peaceful sleep and make you feel like you’re forcing yourself throughout the day. And if not treated on time, chronic adrenal fatigue can turn into adrenal exhaustion.
This occurs when both cortisol and DHEA are low, in short, this happens when your adrenals have already produced a bowel movement.

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What are the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

  • Low bp
  • Dizziness
  • body hair loss
  • unexplained body pain
  • unexpected weight loss
  • Fatigue or low energy levels
  • In some cases the skin color becomes discolored

How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally

Here we have some healthy lifestyle strategies that can decrease stress on the adrenal glands to help maintain adequate hormone levels and restore energy.

1. Adrenal diet to reduce adrenal fatigue

How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally
How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally

This adrenal diet includes lots of brightly colored veggies, lean proteins, and gluten-free, whole-grain Carbohydrates. But it’s really important to remember that a strict no-carbohydrate diet can put even more stress on your body, making adrenal irritation worse. So do not include the empty calorie carbs such as cookies and cakes, but add healthy carbs like quinoa, buckwheat, and lentils.

2. Go to bed early to reduce adrenal fatigue

How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally
How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally

It’s not just about how much you sleep, but also which time you sleep. Many of you get a second cortisol surge after 11 p.m., which puts pressure on the adrenal glands and can interrupt your sleep. Therefore one should sleep before 11 pm. This can be extremely helpful in reducing adrenal fatigue.

3. Maintain hydration to decrease adrenal fatigue

Drinking sufficient fluids or water throughout the day is very important for the good health of all organs, including your adrenal glands. And, adding fresh lemon juice can enhance the hydrating benefits of water.

4. Incorporate some rest every day to decrease adrenal fatigue

For patients suffering from fatigue, it is important to take 20 minutes of rest twice a day. They don’t necessarily need a nap but rather need some time to breathe and recuperate.

5. Supplements to improve adrenal health

Vitamin B is a great food for adrenal health. B12 and folate, in particular, promote the energy production. Anti-inflammatory supplements — including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and curcumin— have anti-inflammatory qualities that may benefit adrenal health. And, adequate levels of vitamin D, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are beneficial for thyroid and adrenal health.

6. Exercise to reduce adrenal fatigue

How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally
How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally

If you’re feeling tired, exercising is probably the last thing that comes to your mind. However, exercise can decrease the stress response when it’s the right type in the right amount. To relieve adrenal fatigue, focus on light exercises like yoga, walking, or leisurely biking. If even light exercise tires you out, stop now.

7. Decrease stress to fight adrenal fatigue

Finding ways to cope with and decrease mental stress is by far the most essential natural way you can use to decrease the stress on the adrenal glands. And although it’s easier said than done, adjusting your perspective or changing your perspective can decrease mental stress.

Evaluating behaviors and goals that may place too much pressure on a person in the pursuit of “success” can sometimes help reduce the body’s stress levels. Of course, some stress – for example caring for a sick family member – may be unpreventable.

But uncovering the right ways to maintain a balanced life can help reduce the load on the adrenals which will help improve the energy and decrease signs.

8. Diffuse essential oils throughout the day to help you feel relieved

If you can’t diffuse the essential oil, place a drop or two on the soles of your feet or spine two times a day to help reduce stress levels in your body. In fact, according to this study smelling lavender essential oil could reduce cortisol levels.

9. Make sure to have a day of rest each week.

Although it is popular to “hustle,” this type of daily mentality can cause all kinds of health problems and will stress the adrenals. Make sure to have a day of rest each week. Turn off the screen, step outside, or sleep all day if your body requires it.

Diagnosis of adrenal fatigue

Many individuals go for some time without asking their general practitioners or endocrinologists about some of the signs of adrenal fatigue. This is the main reason why the diagnosis of adrenal fatigue is uncommon. Although, experiencing high cortisol signs or symptoms for a long period can be really heavy. Besides, some symptoms may be signs of more severe conditions. If you experience one or a combination of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue for a long time and your symptoms start to interfere with normal life, relationships, or activities – for example, work, personal life, or school life – it’s right time to visit your healthcare provider and ask about this condition.

Adrenal fatigue tests

Unfortunately, the adrenal fatigue test is another source of confusion for many people. You should definitely know before the test that these tests should be performed by someone who understands the nature of adrenal fatigue.


In this article, we’ve discussed how to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally. The suprarenal or adrenal glands produce many essential hormones that are essential for many aspects of body functioning. Adrenal inadequacy is a medical term, used when the adrenal glands produce insufficient amounts of one or more of these essential hormones. Adrenal inadequacy may be the result of an underlying health problem or surgery. Briefly, it is a disequilibrium of cortisol. Cortisol is your stress hormone, meant to follow a natural rhythm.

This hormone rises in the morning to help wake you up and then slowly falls during the day. Your stress hormone cortisol and sleep hormone melatonin are inversely related. When cortisol increases, melatonin decreases, and vice versa, And that’s how it supports healthy sleep-wake cycles. Consider reading the full article to know how to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally.


How to reverse adrenal fatigue naturally?

Finding ways to cope with and decrease mental stress is by far the most essential natural way you can use to decrease the stress on the adrenal glands. And although it’s easier said than done, adjusting your perspective or changing your perspective can decrease mental stress. Evaluating behaviors and goals that may place too much pressure on a person in the pursuit of “success” can sometimes help reduce the body’s stress levels.

Can functional medication help restore adrenal function?

Yes! Functional medication can help restore adrenal function. However reversing adrenal fatigue doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible with the right support.

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